Well, my trusty laptop bit the dust early in February. It started in Hawaii when the having the battery in would make it unable to startup - now it won't do anything at all.
Atom says that he can take the hard-drive out and make it into an external HD instead - and get me a new laptop but I LOVE MY LAPTOP! =(
So that is the reason why there has been no pictures uploaded - it's not that I don't have any pictures since late January - It's because pictures and Picasa are on my laptop at this time.
So as soon as we get it together, I'll upload some more great pictures ~
Take care!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
More Pictures to come~
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There are somethings that I like to do other than shopping - taking pictures. The beauty of picture taking is that it really is all up to me. Sometimes it's of things and other times it's of me and friends. Old Friends, New Friends and a sprinkling of family for good measure...