Monday, August 30, 2010

Coming home....

What a great time we had in our whirlwind weekend in the Big Apple. (I haven't found out why it's exactly called the Big Apple (time for Wikipedia!)) The drive wasn't too awful bad, except for an ugly accident in CT (seems that happens a lot) - pretty weather coming back and I took most of the pictures with my HTC, so I'll have to upload from there in this post, later tho.

At a truck stop for a fountain drink and a stretch
Caught in the action of walking...clearly I was bored...
The cutest guy in the parking lot that day!

1 comment:

Jodi said...

Heehee...clearly you were indeed bored. I suppose there was too much light outside for Atom to bust out with his Outkast?

There are somethings that I like to do other than shopping - taking pictures. The beauty of picture taking is that it really is all up to me. Sometimes it's of things and other times it's of me and friends. Old Friends, New Friends and a sprinkling of family for good measure...

