Friday, July 31, 2009

July 31, 2009 Collage

July 31, 2009


Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Hot Weather Alert! July 28, 2009

So it rained for, like, FOREVER - and now it's so humid I get a workout just walking thru it from the house to the car!

Service was divine today - went out in the afternoon with LadybugEM - and had a very nice time. Kerry (from the RB) txt'd me and asked me if I could come in 4 to close because she wasn't feeling so well - I said sure, why not?!?

Went in, met a super cute and sweet girl - her first time in the RB and she was loving EVERYTHING - she works at Melrose Wakefield Hospital. I think I have a couple of pictures to post, I gotta check but I'm so overwhelmed already regarding getting things together for the convention....such is life

Monday, July 27, 2009

July 27, 2009 - YAY

Let me explain.....

Ok, last night after we came back from a Mom Day at MOS - I had to do some stuff around the house before collapsing into bed from complete exhaustion. One thing was vacuum my room - uhg I totally hate dust and junk on the floor (even tho I wear slippers everywhere). So I thought I'd look up the place we had reserved for the convention (Thurs-Sun) this weekend....and as I was looking at the pictures I realized (with complete HORROR) that it was the same place that had bedbugs 2 years ago!

Now, maybe I didn't blog about that here - because I really didn't know I had them until well after the convention of 2007 and after my 2 weeks in Pioneer School. But the lasting emotional and mental stress is clear as the day I realized (after much research, sleepless nights and about 72 bites on my body) that we, indeed, had bedbugs.

Anyway, back to the "YAY" title of my post. So last night I emailed the Secretary of our congregation and told him that I need to see the most recent hotel list because I had to change my rooms immediately (this was at 10:30pm) then I started calling around to hotels I thought were on the list, and asking if they had a block of rooms reserved for our was a bust last night- but I received an email response at 5:47am from him and he was already on it.

I was still stressing out totally - and started looking online for just surrounding hotels (on to see what was the going rate - if we couldn't find rooms on the hotel list.

I did find one - that was reasonable and had availability - but I told myself (over and over again btw) to wait on Jehovah - wait for the list and call them first.

So the secretary called and actually read off a list of 7 hotels that were left - and I started calling them. With each negative response, I asked Jehovah for strength to deal with not finding a room on the list.

the very last place - The Red Roof Inn - So. Deerfield - told me that they were booked up with our rate of $64 but asked me to hold on. When Rita came back on the phone she informed me that the Manager said she's give me a room for the nights we wanted!!! but I had to tell her that I needed 2 rooms.....I heard her say "can we give them 2 rooms?" - and YES they could!!!!!!!!!!!!!!We are all set and, as usual, all good gifts are attributed to Jehovah and following his direction!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

July 26, 2009 - Mom Day at the Omni Theater (with Cameo by Jodi)

Waiting for the "Under the Sea" to start
Me & Hubbie
Hubbie and Mommie
Waiting for the Amazon feature to let us in

Dinner at Demos
I'm always doing SOMETHING to invoke this type of stare....
Squishing his head - IMPOSSIBLE if you know how large his cranium is

Saturday, July 25, 2009

July 25, 2009 - Service Pictures with my honey

This was on the step of a house we were bringing the invitation to the convention to - no one was home but I wondered what did they have to remember....
oooooooooh sooo pretty
At Gene & Anne's in Reading
My honey leaving an invite in the door

Lovely entrance..
I heart him so much!
He makes me so happy

Friday, July 24, 2009

July 24, 2009 - Raspberry Beret Cambridge

I love working at the Raspberry Beret - for more pictures of the shop click here!

Me, Mariel & Jodi in Cambridge
mmmmm my burrito without the "burrito"

Thursday, July 23, 2009

July 23, 2009 - Flowes & houses out in Service

Whatever shall I take pictures of today????
Oh I know! Flowers and Houses that inspire me!
Girls & their bloomers
Clematis in Pink
Bee having a dandy time
Roses growing in front of a house
A gorgeous landscaping in Reading
My fave house in Wakefield's side yard
Pretty globes all over
The infamous bench
awww Echanacia
KH Sunflower
My fave Wakefield house
Roses at Anne Marie's in Stoneham
Sunflowers in our driveway
Red Dhalia's in Melrose

Monday, July 20, 2009

July 20, 2009 - Beach with Beautiful ladies

Ahhh empty beaches...
Jodi, Heather & me

After the beach - whoa what a tan!

Sunday, July 19, 2009

There are somethings that I like to do other than shopping - taking pictures. The beauty of picture taking is that it really is all up to me. Sometimes it's of things and other times it's of me and friends. Old Friends, New Friends and a sprinkling of family for good measure...

