Tuesday, August 31, 2010

New York City - 2010

New York City will always be my home period. There is no other place like it and Boston pales significantly when compared to it.

Where in the world can you get almost any kind of food at midnight? Maybe Las Vegas but come on, who needs the neon'ness of that place, not to mention the heat.

You definitely cannot hop on a train or a bus on the MBTA around the Boston area at 1am and get to your destination - the beauty of NYC is that it is a totally functioning town all the time. Love it.

Our short weekend in NYC was fun-filled and fast-paced, and I'm not just talking about the driving part.

Here are a few highlights:

- The MET
- The Tour
- The Trains
- The Stadium
- The Park
- The Assembly
- The Ferry
- The Dress

All or part will be posted via pictures here. To those who visit, enjoy.

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There are somethings that I like to do other than shopping - taking pictures. The beauty of picture taking is that it really is all up to me. Sometimes it's of things and other times it's of me and friends. Old Friends, New Friends and a sprinkling of family for good measure...

